TAL Hospitals HealthFest – Oct 18th | Join the discussion with our founder Roopali in the Mind-Tech Connection panel

Share a Story

Your mental health story is important ! It has the ability to inspire, educate and support those who may be struggling with similar challenges. Most of all, it will help others feel less alone in their journey, overcome feelings of shame, and seek help sooner. You can record it as an audio, video, or text. Here’s how you can share your story.

What listeners are saying

“By sharing my story with a wider audience, I feel as though a big burden has been lifted off my shoulders while opening the doors for others and helping them in a positive way. I am amazed at the empathy and understanding I have received after opening up on the Rcoz platform.”
“After viewing a video on the Rcoz platform that addresses the challenge of making new friends, I promptly shared it with my nephew who has been struggling to connect with others. My hope is that this resource will inspire and reassure him, demonstrating that he is not alone in experiencing social anxiety.”
Story Sharer
“I am so glad to have found this! I didn't realize how much I needed this until now.”

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

Disclaimer: By participating in this initiative, you acknowledge that your story may be used for educational and awareness purposes as well in social media. We will handle your information with confidentiality and respect. Our team will review your story and make edits as they see fit. In the event the video does not conform to Rcoz’s initiative, it may not be used. If you have any questions/concerns about privacy or consent, please reach out to us for clarification.