TAL Hospitals HealthFest – Oct 18th | Join the discussion with our founder Roopali in the Mind-Tech Connection panel

Volunteering with Computer Skills to Make an Impact

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hi edward how are you doing today i'm doing good so i heard that you're volunteering for our cause but you've also done some other volunteer work in your life do you want to just tell me a little bit about what you've done before this uh sure so uh before i came here i did some volunteer work at uh family community development and you know all my life i've been really good at using computers and so i was able to use my skills there to help people fill out unemployment forms and apply for jobs online and um i thought that was a really good way to use my skills that i've developed over a long time that's wonderful so were there quite a few people who who were helped by your services uh yeah i didn't work there for very long but you know the location was always filled with people and so i always had the chance to help new people out that's great was there anybody in particular that you recall you know who whose experience like you can share with us uh i remember this uh one instance where i was uh asked to create a poster yeah to advertise a specific job opening for fedex and when i made that poster and it was sent out i actually met someone who saw my poster and then they came to me and asked for my help to apply for that very job and so i was able to help them in many different ways that's fantastic so you're a young student tell me what are your aspirations for future what do you where do you see yourself go and you know what would you like to do in life so right now i'm studying uh computer science at san jose state university and in the future i'd like to work as a web developer to build websites and to create really good looking websites that people can use so usability is a big thing for you yeah that's something that i learned a lot when i was volunteering that people really care about a website that makes sense to them that they that's intuitive that they can use oh that's great that's great so good luck for your future and thank you so much for your time no problem thank you

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